First stop was Laguna Blanco. The lake is turned white by salt and borax. Anyway, quite spectacular back drop of the Andes mountains I hope you agree.
Next stop was the Dali desert, again, I can really do it justice but the vast expanse is just staggering!
And getting us around to all these places these drivers
It's also here that you realise that when they say this place is empty of tourists it really is I a relative sense.......
Anyway, after this it was off to the highest geysers in the world. We crossed about 5000m elevation on our way there and they are at about 4850m. Not as many as in Tatio but some pretty big ones.
Now, in Tatio they warn you not to get too close to the edge. In Bolivia however they apparently do not care. As far as I could tell from the guide, if you fall in, "bye bye!"
But I didn't, and now we are resting up at our 'hut' bit it's not so much a hut. We got a decent meal and plenty of blankets.
We did however break the car to the extent that a crowbar was needed. Not quite sure what but hopefully it's fixed now
And what of the altitude sickness? Not too bad really, I'm kind of tired but it's also been a really long day. Worst part of all this is the wind, I feel like I've been sandblasted!
So after some lunch it was off to Laguna Colorada. A home for many many flamingoes.
They clearly like the view!
And finally a desert sunset
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